It might be a panda en route to a zoo or cashmere jumpers heading for Beijing or Boston. But regardless of value there is a good chance it is going to be shipped through Hong Kong International Airport’s cargo hub.
Hong Kong is ready to retake its place on global travel itineraries: airlines are making up for lost time, international events are back in full swing and new skyscrapers are lighting up the iconic skyline.The social and…
Hong Kong has always provided a unique platform for businesses looking to build a presence in Asia and this decade will be no different. The four core pillars of the economy are powering ahead with the rapid adoption of…
A long-standing trade nexus, Hong Kong is geographically blessed – as a port, an aviation hub and a terminus for goods travelling by land across Asia. It’s also well placed to direct the digital movement of people and goods…
It’s done a good job getting everyday essentials into our homes, hands and driveways but it would like to do so much more. Faced with stiff competition from China, South Korea sees a future for itself as a centre for hi…
For this special mobility edition we see how Istanbul is boosting footfall with a cup of the black stuff, get our game on at airports and investigate transportation by rope in our global news round-up.
In this edition we consider the systems and logistical threads that allow us to make those all-important connections, whether they are at the airport, at the railway station or in the art gallery.
In our global news round-up we find
a (very) short-haul trip where dogs
get VIP treatment, meet Singapore’s naturalist superheroes and make a case
for taxi drivers donning national dress.
Our editor in chief is no stranger to airports and so knows the appeal of landing close to the heart of the action as opposed to being stranded out in the sticks. Will 2016's city-planners get on board?
More people than ever are flying, which means more shoppers pondering a buy before boarding – but how can retailers rise up and meet soaring customer expecations?
Set to revolutionise Toronto’s transport network, new air- rail connection UP Express is made to be business-traveller friendly. And with an aesthetic influenced by the Canadian landscape and some sharp uniforms, it looks…